3D Virtual SummershotZ Exhibit

Class of 2019

Summmershotz is a week long photography camp where students learn how to use a DSLR on manual mode. Every year, we excitedly anticipate the annual exhibit that features their work. 2020 has thrown us all for a loop so we decided to up the ante and present the exhibit online. 

Enjoy a glimpse of their talents and a peek into our classes. Last year’s camp adventures included a puppy visit from Grayslake’s own Save-A-Pet and sheltering in the Grayslake Fire Department during a downpour.

So take a look around the Grayslake Heritage Center (with or without VR goggles) and enjoy SummershotZ first ever virtual exhibit experience. As always, their work is for sale and a portion goes directly to our students. Thank you for your support.